



Increase Your Adsense Revenue With Link Units

Adsense Link Units

Adsense is the largest advertising network on the internet and it has some strict rules. You may only use three display banners this causes a lot of people to begin looking for alternatives to supplement their revenue.

However, most people are simply not making proper use of their Adsense potential and this is where the problem lies. Google allows you to have 3 display advertisements, 3 link units, and 2 custom search engines.

The most overlooked item in Google Adsense are the link units and there is a reason for that. They are hard to blend in and they are hard to optimize without making the page look ugly. There is also the fear of making your website look spammy and this can hurt your reputation but Adsense link units are not all that bad.

Take this example of an Adsense link unit.
Adsense Link Units
This is just an image, not an actual advertisement

These advertisements might seem odd to include in your sidebar and that's because they are meant to be within the post content. If you take these type of advertisements you can use the float:left/right attribute to have the post content float around the content. This is great because it doesn't take up that much real estate and it looks like a normal link.

Tips To Optimize

If you are going to use Adsense link units then you should match their color with that of your regular post links. You can easily find this color by creating a post or going to one with a link right clicking and inspect element. Then you should get a color like this #000000 (six character color code). Then you will want to go into your Adsense account and set the advertisement to this color.

You should also consider placing these advertisements after related posts, or at the end of your posts. 

You can also place these advertisements after related posts, or even menus and this lead to a higher click-through rate.

Place them in places where you would find other links and this can lead to a higher CTR and thus increase your revenue. I hope this helps!

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